We're putting sustainability in the spotlight with our "A Breath of Fresh Air" campaign.
This piece was originally published for cherie.com on 4/19/2020.
I'm writing this piece to remind us all that small actions hold a lot of power. As residents of earth, every action we impose on our beloved planet has an effect; good or bad. Now, if you're paying attention to the news, or the weather, you'll notice that mother nature is changing in what feels like unpredictable ways. Drought appears where there should be rain, rain appears where there should be sun, bees are disappearing, migration patterns of birds are compromised... the list truly does go on. But what does this all mean for us earth residents? It means the planet we rely on so much is weakening and in danger; the ecological systems that have allowed us to live and thrive for millenniums are suffering due to the strenuous efforts of the earth trying to support the weight of a quickly changing world. We're making and consuming more things than ever, and in turn, giving the earth the daunting task of eliminating our waste; from greenhouse gases, to plastic waste, to tons and tons of garbage with no where to go.
While this is a harsh reality, it's also one where we can still make small changes with big impact. Mainly because consumer choices can have a big effect on corporate decisions (take the Shelter-in-Place ordinance for example; once the majority of people started staying home, corporations quickly pivoted to accommodate our needs). Realistically, we're so deep into the repercussions of global warming that huge, drastic changes will make the difference. So, it's less about one tiny choice and more about all those tiny choice made as a community that make the difference. As communities make larger sustainable choices together, corporations and bodies of government start to listen, and those choices we've made ricochet higher where even BIGGER choices and change occurs; with multimillion and billion dollar corporations who are contributing to most of the worlds carbon emissions. And let's be real, these larger powers should be held accountable for their large amounts of waste. With the state of the earth as it is, we need everyone to be all in. Here are some quick and easy ways to make more sustainable choices that start today:
1. Call your representatives
Your voice is one of the most powerful tools, believe it or not. Being strong in your stance against unsustainable practices from businesses (i.e. single use plastic, non-recyclable packaging), and even simply stating there's more we need to do to protect our earth can help shape the laws that will help do so.
2. Educate yourself
Again, knowledge is power! Keep up-to-date with current policies, environmental groups, and practices that support the earth. Learning about how we got here can help appease where we're going. *Note, learning about global warming and the environment can feel daunting and stressful. Take care of your wellbeing and intake information as you can handle it.
3. Support eco-friendly businesses & brands
Yes, many businesses are greedy in their efforts to earn a profit, but there are so many incredible and conscious businesses and brands that truly give back to the earth. Look for brands that are carbon neutral or carbon negative, meaning they either remove as much carbon emissions as they make (neutral) or remove more than they make (negative). Brands certified by Eco Cert and EWG are also ones to watch.
4. Make smart everyday choices
Reduce single-use plastic, recycle, minimize your everyday waste, opt for more plants in your diet, and enjoy nature.